pubs, interviews, video
Novel Excerpts, The Asterisms
- The Undersized Negative (New Ohio Review, winner, New Ohio Review Contest in Fiction, judged by Aimee Bender)
- Instar (The Collagist)
- The Last Remembered Intersection (The Los Angeles Review)
- Questions for Anesthesiologists (The Masters Review Anthology)
- Three Options for a Successful Lunar Landing (The Literarian, winner, Summer Literary Seminars, Center for Fiction Prize, judged by Dawn Raffel)
Stories from Two Californias:
- Release (Passages North)
- In The Room / Memory is / White (The Normal School, winner, The Normal School Normal Prize for fiction, judged by Margot Livesey)
- Hotel Grand Abyss (Copper Nickel, winner, Copper Nickel Fiction Prize, judged by Ron Carlson)
- K/S (Black Warrior Review)
- Goat Pharmacy (New Orleans Review)
- Mermaid Anatomy (Notre Dame Review)
- Failure Mechanism (Voicebox) (The Seattle Review)
Uncollected Stories:
- Southwest of Guadalajara (Denver Quarterly)
- Strawbellies (The Tusculum Review)
- Glue Factory (Fourteen Hills)
- Second City (Alaska Quarterly Review)
- Times Infinity (The Gettysburg Review)
- Stomachs of the Homeless (Black Warrior Review)
- Exoskeletal (Bateau)
- Self Portrait with Smoke (Versal)
Creative Non-Fiction and Craft Essays:
- Anesthesiology and the Short Story (The Masters Review)
- shrinking the monster (Diagram, winner, Diagram Essay Prize)
- Brewing Up Controvery in Pilsen (Travelers’ Tales Prague and the Czech Republic: True Stories)
- Flicker Astrous (decomP)
- Sources of Fascination and Stroma (South Dakota Review)
- An Imaginary History of Performance #3: white glove ([PANK])
- M- and U- Walking the Great Wall (Whiskey Island)
- Them! and An Imaginary History of Performance #2: piano roll (eleven eleven)
- How to Wash (The Cincinnati Review)
- Kraal (The Laurel Review)
- The Rabbi (Blue Earth Review)
Book Reviews
- School by Ray Levy, Big Other
- We Are a Teeming Wilderness by Shena McAuliffe, Heavy Feather Review
- Some Versions of the Ice by Adam Tipps Weinstein, The Pleiades Book Review
- In a World Without Dragons: Violence and its Safety Valves, The Pleiades Book Review
- A Tendency to be Gone by Pamela Ryder, American Book Review
- Kind One (collaborative review / interview with Anne Royston) by Laird Hunt, Quarterly West
- Dreams of Molly by Jonathan Baumbach, Review of Contemporary Fiction
- Drain by Davis Schneiderman, American Book Review
- Under the Dome: Walks with Paul Celan by Jean Daive, Review of Contemporary Fiction
- Smoke by Chuck Richardson, American Book Review
- Last Days by Brian Evenson, American Book Review
- Meat Eaters & Plant Eaters by Jessica Treat, Review of Contemporary Fiction
- Creamy Bullets by Kevin Sampsell, American Book Review
- ‘/() (apostrophe/parenthesis) by Frederick Mark Kramer, American Book Review
- The Collagist: “The Trouble with Taxonomizing Dogs” – An Interview with Robert Glick
- Wanderlust and Lipstick: Romancing the Barf Bag: One Writer’s Collection (An Interview with Robert Glick)
- Chautauqua Daily: Robert Glick to Discuss ‘Opportunity Spaces’ as Ways to Expand Writing and Marcelo Hernandez Castillo and Robert Glick to Question Length and Merits of Time in Workshops
- Lit Pub: An Interview with Robert Glick (with Kristina Marie Darling)
- Public Reading and Conversation: College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University
- Public Reading: Trias Writer’s Series, Hobart and William Smith College
- Me reading K/S, just for fun
- And a bonus video! Here’s the Dutch new music group Hexnut performing the flash fiction Second City…